Computer Science, asked by Mohdsaqibansari4648, 1 year ago

Expressions in c programming always produce a value?


Answered by bhagyashree7590


/* ...... */

// ... until the end of the line

These are called comments. Comments are NOT executable and are ignored by the compiler; but they provide useful explanation and documentation to your readers (and to yourself three days later). There are two kinds of comments:

Multi-line Comment: begins with /* and ends with */. It may span more than one lines (as in Lines 1-3).

End-of-line Comment: begins with // and lasts until the end of the current line (as in Lines 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10).

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

The "#include" is called a preprocessor directive. Preprocessor directives begin with a # sign. They are processed before compilation. The directive "#include <iostream>" tells the preprocessor to include the "iostream" header file to support input/output operations. The "using namespace std;" statement declares std as the default namespace used in this program. The names cout and endl, which is used in this program, belong to the std namespace. These two lines shall be present in all our programs. I will explain their meaning later.

int main() { ... body ... }

defines the so-called main() function. The main() function is the entry point of program execution. main() is required to return an int (integer).

cout << "hello, world" << endl;

"cout" refers to the standard output (or Console OUTput). The symbol << is called the stream insertion operator (or put-to operator), which is used to put the string "hello, world" to the console. "endl" denotes the END-of-Line or newline, which is put to the console to bring the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

return 0;

terminates the main() function and returns a value of 0 to the operating system. Typically, return value of 0 signals normal termination; whereas value of non-zero (usually 1) signals abnormal termination. This line is optional. C++ compiler will implicitly insert a "return 0;" to the end of the main() function.

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