Biology, asked by patelmeghsandip, 6 months ago

Extended Learning — Activities and Projects
1. Observe fish in an aquarium. You will find flap-like structures on both
sides of their heads. These are flaps that cover the gills. These flaps
open and close alternately. On the basis of these observations, explain
the process of respiration in the fish.
2. Visit a local doctor. Learn about the harmful effects of smoking. You can
also collect material on this topic from other sources. You can seek the help
of your teacher or parents. Find out the percentage of people in your
area who smoke. If you have a smoker in your family, confront him with
the material that you have collected.
3. Visit a doctor. Find out about artificial respiration. Ask the doctor:
(a) When does a person need artificial respiration?
(b) Does the person need to be kept on artificial respiration temporarily or permanently?
(c) From where can the person get a supply of oxygen for artificial respiration?
4. Measure the breathing rate of the members of your family and some of your friends. Investigate:
(c) If the breathing rate of children is different from that of adults.
(d) If the breathing rate of males is different from that of females.
If there is a difference in any of these cases, try to find the reason.


Answered by mdshareef01234
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