English, asked by DhrutiC10, 10 months ago

Extended writing:
Describe Uncle Podger's morning
before he catches the train to work.
A question from Chapter " Uncle Podger Leaves for Work ".
By: Jerome. K. Jerome​


Answered by inu1551


We thought this a better arrangement than his own suggestion, which was that we should call for him on our way and "pick him up." Picking George up in the morning means picking him out of bed to begin with, and shaking him awake--in itself an exhausting effort with which to commence the day; helping him find his things


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Answered by sarikakhajotiya


ree Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) Questions and Answers

by Jerome K. Jerome


What is Uncle Podger's morning like before he catches the train to work?

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Uncle Podger is an example of a man who has set his mind on being an example of good manners and work ethic but fails miserably based on his pride. Podger sets out each morning well before he has to leave for work, but he is almost always late and running to catch the train, despite always telling his nephew,

Allow yourself a quarter of an hour, and take it easily. (Chapter 5)

His house is only an eight minute walk from the train station, but because he leaves just five minutes before the train every day, he always has to run. Now, the narrator explains that Podger is to blame for his tardiness because he is forgetful and careless, but he has too much pride to allow himself to shoulder the blame. Instead of recognizing that he always misplaces his newspaper or tends to forget his things, he blames everyone else in the house for misplacing them. The narrator relates,

It never occurred to my Uncle Podger to say to himself:

"I am a careless old man. I lose everything: I never know where I have put anything. I am quite incapable of finding it again for myself. In this respect I must be a perfect nuisance to everybody about me. I must set to work and reform myself."

On the contrary, by some peculiar course of reasoning, he had convinced himself that whenever he lost a thing it was everybody else's fault in the house but his own. (Chapter 5)


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