external and internal essay
P1 – Construct an introductory planning sheet to help identify how two organisations plan recruitment using internal and external sources.
In this report I will be identifying how two organisations plan recruitment using internal and external sources. I will also be outlining the reasons for recruitment and the time and cost implications regarding each method. I have chosen Asda and River Island as my two organisations.
Internal Recruitment
This refers to the filling of job vacancies from within the business, where existing employees are selected rather than employing someone from outside. Asda internally recruits staff, this would usually be promotion, and such jobs would be advertised to employees through email, internet and…show more content…
River Island
Internal Recruitment
This refers to the filling of job vacancies from within the business, where existing employees are selected rather than employing someone from outside. River Island also internally recruits’ staff which is usually by promotion. But in other cases current employees may be recruited to do other jobs alongside their own as the employees that they are covering for may be on maternity/Paternity leave, sickness leave and other reasons such as leaving the job permanently. If employees are on maternity/paternity leave or sickness leave, the replacement employee that is recruited internally is only temporary till further notice. This type of recruitment involves interviews same as if River Island was to recruit the staff externally, also questions will be asked in terms of if the employee is suitable for the post. The vacancies that are available to employees internally would be advertised or communicated to staff via their e-mail which is a fast way with no cost to inform the staff. Also the vacancy will be on a notice board that only staff have access to, this is also a fast and effective way to communicate the availability of a vacancy.