Extracts from an elementary school classroom in a slum
Extracts from an elementary school classroom in a slum
Cleanliness and hygiene are the most important aspects one must learn for a healthy living. Habits like washing hands after playing, before and after eating food must be strictly followed to avoid sickness.
Learning to dispose of the garbage properly is a must. Before disposing of the garbage, waste should be segregated into decomposable and non-decomposable materials. One must take a bath every day and eat nutritional diets. The contamination of water must be controlled.
क्लासरूम इन द स्कूल अर्थ स्कूल सेक्टर 3 लेटेस्ट इंडियन एंड इंटरनेशनल विद्यालय ऑफ़ दिस एंड द फुल फॉर्म ऑफ स्कूल स्कूल स्कूल स्कूल तू सेट यूवीडीसी प्लेन प्लेन नाइस एंड वेरी हैप्पीनेस इन द वेरी एंड वेरी एंड वेरी