Extracts Who was the old man
Attempt a précis of the following passage: 10x1=10 The great men who stand out in history have been partly benefactors of mankind and partly due to the reverse. Some like the great religious and moral innovators, have done what lay in their power to make men less cruel towards one another, and less limited in their sympathies; some, like the men of science, have given us a knowledge and understanding of natural processes which, however, it may be misused, must be regarded as in itself a splendid thing. Some, like the great poets and composers and painters, have put into the world beauties and splendours which, in moments of discouragement, do much to make the spectacle, of human destiny endurable. But others, equally able, equally effective in their way, have done quite the opposite. I cannot think of anything that mankind has gained by the existence of Jenghis Khan, and I do not know what good came of Robespierre. But all these men, good and bad alike, has a quality which I should not wish to see disappear from the world- a quality of energy and personal initiative of mind and of imaginative vision. A man who possesses these qualities is capable of doing much good, or of doing great harm, such exceptional men must find scope, though one could wish that the scope they find should be for the benefit of mankind.