History, asked by molashmarde5, 4 hours ago

f) Critically evaluate the Deccan policy of Aurangzeb. What
were its consequences? 10 mark​


Answered by kanya13


The Deccan Policy of the Mughals was the conflict and diplomacy that take place between the Mughals and various states. The extension of the empire was one of the main aims of the Deccan Policy of the Mughals. Besides, political, economic, and religious were other causes for Deccan Policy.

          The Deccan Policy of Aurangzeb was very aggresive. Aurangzeb’s accession in 1658 gave him an opportunity to fulfill his aggressive designs with regard to Deccan. The three powers in the Deccan with which he had to deal were the Marathas and the two Shiah states of Bijapur and Golkunda. But up to 1681, Aurangzeb won on appreciable success in the Deccan. This was because Prince Shah Alam, the Governor of the Deccan for eleven years, was lacking in vigor and enterprise. Besides, the Emperor was prevented from giving whole-hearted attention to affairs in the Deccan because of his pre-occupations with his wars with the north­western frontiers tribes, on one hand and the Rajputs on the other.The death of Shivaji in 1680 brought about a change in the Deccan situation and the Emperor lost no time in taking full advantage of it. The situation, however, was complicated because of Prince Akbar who had fled to the court of Shambhuji, Shivaji’s son and successor. The Emperor personally came over to the Deccan. His objects were two-fold, viz., to crush Sambhuji and to overpower the rebel prince. Akbar, however, took to flight and Aurangzeb thought it prudent to suspend vigorous action against the Marathas till he had overthrown the kingdoms of Golkunda and Bijapur.

Accordingly in April, 1685, the Imperial army besieged Bijapur and captured it. In January 1687 Aurangzeb directed his operations against Golkunda and compelled it to submit in September of the same year. After the fall of these two Muslim states Aurangzeb turned his attention against Sambhuji. One of the Mughal general succeeded in capturing the Maratha king and the unfortunate captive was put to death with horrible torture in March, 1689.

The deccan policy of Aurangzeb was actually the beginning of  the decline of Mughal Empire. 

It was a miserable failure. His Deccan policy caused the destruction of some of their best soldiers and undermined the power and prestige of the empire. Aurangzeb destroyed the Shia kingdom of Bijapur and Golkunda and waged a long war against the Marathas.His wars against Bijapur and Golkunda did not ease the task of the Marathas, as some writers suggest, but these alienated the Shia Muslim sentiment. The Marathas found a new leader in Rajaram, Shivaji’s younger son, and frustrated all attempts on the part of the Mughals to extend their authority. After Rajaram’s death, his valiant Queen, Tarabai, carried on the war with the Mughals with unusual vigor and compelled the Emperor to retire to Ahmednagar which soon became the grave of his mortal body as well as his military reputation.His drive against the Marathas involved him in heavy expenses and brought him no success.

The Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb was huge and it was not possible for one person to control everything. The number enemies of Aurangzeb were rising every-day.  Though, Aurangzeb could defeat his enemies, he could not get complete control over them. His long drawn -out campaign against the Marathas ruined the finances of the state and undermined his prestige. Moreover, his prolonged absence from the capital weakened the foundation of his government which rested mainly on close personal supervision.The endless war in the Deccan exhausted his treasury, the Government turned bankrupt, the soldiers starving from arrears of pay, mutinied. The Deccan ulcer ultimately ruined Aurangzeb.

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