English, asked by anulavpreet9161, 6 months ago


EXERCISE 20. (Positive Sentences)
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. हमारे मास्टर साहब कल अलीगढ़ जा रहे थे। 2. हमारा धोबी आज सुबह के समय तालाब में गंदे
कपड़े धो रहा था। 3. हम पार्क में अपने मित्रों के साथ मटरगश्ती कर रहे थे। 4. पिताजी, माताजी और
भाई साहब के साथ खैर से लौट रहे थे। 5. हिमानी झूठ बोल रही थी। 6. अंशु अपना कार्य ध्यानपूर्वक
कर रही थी। 7. पिताजी सुबह के समय विश्वनाथ मन्दिर को जा रहे थे। 8. कल ये लड़के पतंगें उड़ा रहे​


Answered by Chaitanya1696

We are provided with some sentences that are written in the Hindi language. These sentences are required to be translated into English which will be done as under:

  1. The sentence will be translated as " Our Master Sahib is going to Aligarh tomorrow."
  2. The sentence will be translated as "Our washerman was washing the dirty clothes in the pond this morning."
  3. The sentence will be translated as " We were goofing around with our friends in the park."
  4. The sentence will be translated as " Father, mother, and my brother is returning well."
  5. The sentence will be translated as "Himani is telling lies."
  6. The sentence will be translated as " Anshu is doing his work carefully."
  7. The sentence will be translated as " Father was going to Vishwanath temple in the morning."
  8. The sentence will be translated as " Yesterday these boys were flying kites."


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