f. Uncle Bose's wife is an ......
i actress
iii. headmaster
ii. actor
cross the road
g. Zubeida helped the old .......
ii. man
iii. lady
i. boy
h. These two children are
i. A....
i girls
ii. friends
iii. sisters
has a shorter and less colourful tail than a peacock.
i hen
ii. peahen
iii. gander
j. Mr Mondal is a
of many talents.
11. boy
iii. lady
i. man
Let's Learn
Common and neuter gender
Common gender refers to either male or female,
Answered by
f. actress
g. lady
h. sisters
I. peahen
Mark it as brainliest
Answered by
- actor
- lady
- sister's
- both males and females are equal
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