English, asked by sadathunnisa75, 10 months ago

F. Use the present or past participles of the words given in brackets to complete the phrases
Encouraged by his friends anu

Then use them in sentences of your own. Write the sentences in your notebook.
story (interest)
computer (repair)
children (excite)
giant (sleep)
house (lock)
turn of events (shockन्यूजीलैंड और पासवर्ड जीमेल शब्द की व्याख्या कीजिए ​


Answered by Mahek2009


To preview what is coming in the document or to explain what is happening at that moment in the document, use the present or future tense:

In this study, I will describe…

In this study, I describe…

In the next chapter, I will discuss…

In the next chapter, I discuss…

To refer back to information already covered, such as summaries of discussions that have already taken place or conclusions to chapters/sections, use the past tense:

Chapter 1 contained my original discussion of the research questions.

In summary, in this section, I presented information on…

Simple Past Versus the Present Perfect

Rules for the use of the present perfect differ slightly in British and American English. Researchers have also found that among American English writers, sometimes individual preferences dictate whether the simple past or the present perfect is used. In other words, one American English writer may choose the simple past in a place where another American English writer may choose the present perfect.

Keep in mind, however, that the simple past is used for a completed action. It often is used with signal words or phrases such as "yesterday," "last week," "1 year ago," or "in 2015" to indicate the specific time in the past when the action took place.

I went to China in 2010.

He completed the employee performance reviews last month.

The present perfect focuses more on an action that occurred without focusing on the specific time it happened. Note that the specific time is not given, just that the action has occurred.

I have travelled to China.

The present perfect focuses more on the result of the action.

He has completed the employee performance reviews.

The present perfect is often used with signal words such as "since," "already," "just," "until now," "(not) yet," "so far," "ever," "lately," or "recently."

I have already travelled to China.

He has recently completed the employee performance reviews.

Researchers have used this method since it was developed.

Summary of English Verb Tenses

The 12 main tenses:

Simple present: She writes every day.

Present progressive: She is writing right now.

Simple past: She wrote last night.

Past progressive: She was writing when he called.

Simple future: She will write tomorrow.

Future progressive: She will be writing when you arrive.

Present perfect: She has written Chapter 1.

Present perfect progressive: She has been writing for 2 hours.

Past perfect: She had written Chapter 3 before she started Chapter 4.

Past perfect progressive: She had been writing for 2 hours before her friends arrived.

Future perfect: She will have written Chapter 4 before she writes Chapter 5.

Future perfect progressive: She will have been writing for 2 hours by the time her friends come over.


Zero conditional (general truths/general habits).

Example: If I have time, I write every day.

First conditional (possible or likely things in the future).

Example: If I have time, I will write every day.

Second conditional (impossible things in the present/unlikely in the future).

Example: If I had time, I would write every day.

Third conditional (things that did not happen in the past and their imaginary results)

Example: If I had had time, I would have written every day.

Subjunctive: This form is sometimes used in that-clauses that are the object of certain verbs or follow certain adjectives. The form of the subjective is the simple form of the verb. It is the same for all persons and number.

Example: I recommend that he study every day.

Example: It is important that everyone set a writing schedule

Answered by Arushi005


1.Interesting story

2. Repaired computer

3.Exciting children

4. Sleeping giant

5. Locked house

7. Trained staff


aur agge hamko pata nhi

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