Biology, asked by ankush2005roy, 7 months ago

f) Which bacteria performs Anaerobic respiration ?
i) Clestridium
ii) Azotobaccter iii) Thiobacillus iv) Lactobacillus
g) An example of symbiotic plant is
i) Cuscuta
ii) Agaricus
iii) Sundew
iv) Lichen
h) A disease which is transmitted through blood is
i) Polio
ii) Tuberculosis iii) AIDS
1) The main site of transpiration is
i) Xylem
ü) Cuticle iil) upper surface of leaf iv) Lower surface of lear
D Plants growing in desert
i) Heliophytes
ii) Xerophytes
iii) Mesophytes iv) Hydrophytes​


Answered by TheCommando

Which bacteria performs anaerobic respiration ?

i) Clostridium ✔️

ii) Azotobacter

iii) Thiobacillus

iv) Lactobacillus

Actinomyces, Bacteroides, Prevotella etc. are more examples of anaerobic respiration.


An example of symbiotic plant is

i) Cuscuta

ii) Agaricus

iii) Sundew

iv) Lichen ✔️

More examples of Symbiotic plants are lavender, tomatoes, rosemary etc.


A disease which is transmitted through blood is

i) Polio

ii) Tuberculosis

iii) AIDS ✔️

iv) Cholera

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are more examples of blood transmitted diseases.


The main site of transpiration is

i) Xylem

ii) Cuticle

iil) Upper surface of leaf

iv) Lower surface of leaf ✔️

The lower surface of leaves has a greater number of stomata to carry out the process of transpiration.


Plants growing in desert

i) Heliophytes

ii) Xerophytes ✔️

iii) Mesophytes

iv) Hydrophytes

Heliophytes- They are sun stroke plants. They are adapted to a very intensive solar exposure.

Mesophytes- Plants which require moderate amount of water for survival.

Hydrophytes- Plants which grow only in or on water.

Answered by Anonymous

Which bacteria performs anaerobic respiration ?

{\bf{i)~Clostridium}} \large{\bf\green{✓}}

ii) Azotobacter

iii) Thiobacillus

iv) Lactobacillus

Antinomyces , Bacteroides , Prevotella etc. Are more examples of anaerobic respiration.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________


An example of symbiotic plant is

i) Cuscuta

ii) Agaricus

iii) Sundew

{\bf{iv)~Lichen}} \large{\bf\green{✓}}

More examples of Symbiotic plants are lavender , tomatoes , rosemary etc.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________


A disease which is transmitted through blood is

i) Polio

ii) Tuberculosis

{\bf{iii)~AIDS}} \large{\bf\green{✓}}

iv) Cholera

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are more examples of blood transmitted diseases.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________


The main site of transpiration is

i) Xylem

ii) Cuticle

iii) Upper surface of leaf

{\bf{iv)~Lower~surface~of~leaf}} \large{\bf\green{✓}}

The lower surface of leaves has a greater number of stomata to carry out the process of transpiration.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________


Plants growing in desert

i) Heliophytes

{\bf{ii)~Xerophytes}} \large{\bf\green{✓}}

iii) Mesophytes

iv) Hydrophytes



{\bf{Heliophytes}} : They are sun stroke plants. They are adapted to a very instensive solar exposure.


{\bf{Mesophytes}} : Plants which require moderate amount of water for survival.


{\bf{Hydrophytes}} : Plants which grow only in or on water.


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