f(x) = cosh ax -π this question based on Fourier series
The other crucial figure of the time in France was Joseph, Baron Fourier. His major contribution, presented in The Analytical Theory of Heat (1822), was to the theory of heat diffusion in solid bodies. He proposed that any function could be written as an infinite sum of the trigonometric functions cosine and sine; for example,
Expressions of this kind had been written down earlier, but Fourier’s treatment was new in the degree of attention given to their convergence. He investigated the question “Given the function f(x), for what range of values of x does the expression above sum to a finite number?” It turned out that the answer depends on the coefficients an, and Fourier gave rules for obtaining them of the form
Had Fourier’s work been entirely correct, it would have brought all functions into the calculus, making possible the solution of many kinds of differential equations and greatly extending the theory of mathematical physics. But his arguments were unduly naive: after Cauchy it was not clear that the function f(x) sin (nx) was necessarily integrable. When Fourier’s ideas were finally published, they were eagerly taken up, but the more cautious mathematicians, notably the influential German Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, wanted to rederive Fourier’s conclusions in a more rigorous way. Fourier’s methodology was widely accepted, but questions about its validity in detail were to occupy mathematicians for the rest of the century