English, asked by ravipatel71691, 9 months ago

फाइंड द मीनिंग ऑफ द वर्ड फ्रॉम द डिक्शनरी एंड मेक द सेंटेंस ऑफ़ योर मून फॉर एकदम हटके ट्रांसलेट D.El.Ed​


Answered by Swarup1998

Words, their meanings & sentences

  1. Powerful - having great power or strength - He is as powerful as the tiger.
  2. Garden - a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit or vegetables - He is working in the garden.
  3. Happy - feeling or showing pleasure or contentment - The boy is happy as he has stood first in his class.
  4. Fight - a violent confrontation or struggle - Smita had a fight with her brother.
  5. Paragraph - a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering - The teacher has given a paragraph writing as homework.
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