फादर के व्यक्तित्व की विशेषताएं थी फादर के मन में सभी के प्रति प्यार और ममता थी फादर हंसमुख स्वभाव के थे फादर क्रोध नहीं करते थे यह सभी
Step 2: Write text under Search For option and click on
Find button to locate the entered word. This will select
the word which you want to search for. Also, you can
click on Find All to select and display all occurrences of
the entered text.
Step 3: Write the text under Replace with option.
Now click on Replace if you want to change only first
occurrence of it and use Replace All to replace all the
matching occurrences.
(i) Jumping to the page number
Sometimes we may require to jump to a particular page
number. It becomes difficult to scroll down if it is a large
document with several pages. In such a situation, ‘Go
to Page’ feature of Writer is useful. To do this, select the
Edit Menu→ Go to Page (Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+G).
Specify the page number in the dialog box. The cursor
will move to the first character of the specified page
number directly (Figure 3.11).
(j) Non-printing characters
In computer data entry, anything entered is treated as
a character. We can see the characters like alphabet,
numbers, punctuation marks, on the computer screen.
But when you
press keys like Enter,
the Space Bar, and
the Tab key, that
do not appear on
the screen, we are
actually entering
these characters in
the document
please mark me as brainliest