English, asked by vermasoniya1366, 9 months ago

fact. like different fingerprint
every person has a unique tongue prints ​


Answered by nischalch21


ya this is correct and thanks for spreading my knowledge .........

Answered by sumathinathella

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Like fingerprints, everybody has a different tongue print
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Like fingerprints, everybody has a different tongue print
The heart is one of the hardest working muscle in our body, but we can't ignore the facts that the tongue, which is made up of groups of muscles, is pretty tough as well.
Like the heart, the tongue is also performing continuous. Some of the important activity which perform by our tongue are:
When a person eats, it helps in the mixing process of foods.
When a person speaks, it binds and contorts itself to form letters.
It also contains inguinal tonsils to filter out germs.
Even the tongue is constantly pushing saliva down the throat, when a person is sleeping, .
As well as being one of the strongest muscles in the human body, the tongue has another interesting quality. Just like unique fingerprints, humans also have a unique tongue print. Each individual has a unique tongue print.

The tongue is a unique organ in that it can be stuck out of mouth for inspection, and yet it is well protected in the mouth and very difficult to forge. The tongue also presents both geometric shape: information and physiological texture information which are potentially useful in identity verification applications. Furthermore, the act of physically reaching or thrusting out is a convincing proof for the liveliness.
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