fact on earth or galaxy
The Milky Way contains over 200 billion stars, and enough dust and gas to make billions more. The solar system lies about 30,000 light-years from the galactic center, and about 20 light-years above the plane of the galaxy. ... More than half the stars found in the Milky Way are older than the 4.5-billion-year-old sun.
A galaxy is a massive and gravitationally bound system which is comprised of stars.
•There are over 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe.
•Tens of thousands of galaxies have been catalogued but only a few have been given well-established name like the Andromeda galaxy, The Milky Way, the Magellanic clouds.
•Galaxies are historically categorized by their apparent shape,
•Most galaxies are between 1,000 and 10,000 parsecs in diameter