Math, asked by Sam34232, 10 days ago

Factor: x2 + 5x + 6
Step one: Write two sets of ( x + ) (x + )
Step two: What are the factors of 6? ____________________
Step three: with factors of 6 add to 5? ______
What is your final factored answer? _________________


Answered by prathugarg



Step-by-step explanation:

x^{2} +5x+6\\= x^{2} +3x+2x+6\\= x(x+3)+2(x+3)\\= (x+3)(x+2)

Factors of 6 are:

  • 1 x 6
  • 2 x 3

So, sum of 1st set of factors of 6 is 7 and that of the 2nd set is 5

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