Factorise + 3y² + ay + 6
I don't know what to do with the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear infection and the symbols for the following elements of the following in a stethoscope ear
Namaste to you too my
Is this is your answer make me branliest