Hindi, asked by choudhary2127, 2 months ago

.... facts about pine tree ??


Answered by mannatgambheer8410


Facts About Pine Tree

Pines are evergreen coniferous trees that belong to the family Pinaceae.

There are about 125 species of pines.

Pine trees grow primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. Several species of pine have been artificially introduced to select temperate and subtropical regions in the Southern Hemisphere.

They are found in such places as Europe, Africa, Asia, the United States, and Canada.

Pine trees flourish in temperate and subtropical climates.

They can be found growing in altitudes of up to 4,000 meters (13,000 feet).

They grow well in sandy or well-drained soil.

Fully grown trees require full sun and very little water to survive.

Answered by ameenrahil12

A pine is any conifer in the genus Pinus of the family Pinaceae. Pinus is the sole genus in the subfamily Pinoideae. The Plant List compiled by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Missouri Botanical Garden accepts 126 species names of pines as current, together with 35 unresolved species and many more synonyms.


Browning is often caused by an inability of the pine tree to uptake enough water to keep its needles alive. When moisture is overly abundant and drainage is poor, root rot is often the culprit. ... If drought is the culprit for needles browning in center of pine trees, increase watering, especially in the fall.


cone-bearing evergreens.

straight trunk.

bark can be dark and furrowed (White Pines) or divided into rectangular plates (Red Pine)

branches grow in whorls around the tree, adding a new whorl each year.

can live over 400 years.


Pines are long lived and typically reach ages of 100–1,000 years, some even more. The longest-lived is the Great Basin bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva. One individual of this species, dubbed "Methuselah", is one of the world's oldest living organisms at around 4,800 years old.

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