English, asked by SwapnaBarri, 10 months ago

factual description on a mysterious room​


Answered by dassristi2016

It is much like that of an Altoids candy tin, except this one lacks any markings. It looks silver, and made of the same. It is open, showing what lies inside: emptiness. Not a speck of dust lines the inner metal. It is barren, deserted, empty. The hinges show, they are a shining gold color, the sun compared to the silver's moon.

This silver tin sits on top of a wooden desk. Rosewood, a dark reddish hue, it is highly polished, glossy. In front of it there is a chair, the same color as the desk. This chair has no arms, no padding on the seat or back. The desk has drawers, a small one in front of the chair, above the space where the chair slides in. On the right side of this, are four large drawers, the inside of each is the same rosewood, except it is not finished or polished. Like the tin container, these drawers hold nothing. The only thing, other than the tin, on top of the desk is a piece of paper. White to the brightest degree, and a pen as black as the paper is white. Nothing is written on the paper.

This desk is inside a room, not a large room, but neither is it small. The desk sits exactly in the middle of the room, on a hard wood floor. Very clean, very bright, a much lighter shade than the dark desk. The room has white walls, and a white ceiling, there are no marks on any of the surfaces. On the wall to the left of the desk is a ventilation shaft, currently blowing in no air whatsoever. Two doors are in the room, they are both next to each other, and are the same rosewood color as the desk. There are no doorknobs in the doors, just empty holes.

One of these doors leads out of the room, the other leads to a small closet. The closet is dark, but just as empty as the room it connects to. There is, however, a shelf, painted the same white as the walls, and a small bar for hanging clothes. There are no coat hooks adorning it, nor are there clothes anywhere inside of this closet.

Back in the room with the desk is a single window, it looks out to a grassy yard. The yard has no other plants in it, just the emerald green color of vigorous, healthy grass. There are no pathways leading through this yard, there is nothing else to be seen out of the window in the room. The window has no decoration, no crossing white beams as seen in the traditional window, no screen, no curtains or blinds.

Yet there is something inside the tin, there is something inside the desk drawers. There is something on the paper, and there is something else on the desk. In the room is something, and in the closet that something is there. There is something on the doors, and something on the walls. There is something in the yard as well, and something coming out of the vents.

So what is it that is in the tin, in the drawers, in the closet, in the room, coming out of the vents? What is it on the paper, and in the yard? The same thing is in all of these...

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