factual description on park
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Shwetha J.m asked in English
Write a factual description of the park closed to your house in about 80-100 words.

Sandhya answered this
282 helpful votes in English, Class X
Such questions need to be attempted on your own to improve your creative writing skills. However, these pointers may help you to elaborate your answer:
> there is a park in my neighbourhood which was inaugurated by the Mayor of our city, 20 years ago.
> it is of rectangular shape and spreads over an area of 2000 square metres.
> various kinds of trees like mango tree, neem tree and palm tree are there.
> in the centre of the park, there is a fountain and many flowering plants are grown around it, that enhances the beauty of the park.
> many swings, jungle gym and slides are there to entertain kids and children.
> along the boundary of the park, different kinds of herbs and plants accentuate the attraction of the park.
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