English, asked by anjalifandekar00, 2 months ago

FAMOUS ACTRESS: Endless times. It happens to every actress who is moderately

pretty and successful. It is one of the oldest expedients in the world, and we actresses are

such conspicuous targets for it! There is scarcely a man connected with the theater who

doesn't make use of us in that way some time or another--authors, composers, scene

designers, lawyers, orchestra leaders, even the managers themselves. To regain a wife or

sweetheart's affections all they need to do is invent a love affair with one of us. The wife

is always so ready to believe it. Usually we don't know a thing about it. But even when it

is brought to our notice we don't mind so much. At least we have the consolation of

knowing that we are the means of making many a marriage happy which might otherwise

have ended in the divorce court.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: But how--how could I know?

FAMOUS ACTRESS: [With a gracious little laugh] There, dear, you mustn't apologize.

You couldn't know, of course. It seems so plausible. You fancy your husband in an

atmosphere of perpetual temptation, in a backstage world full of beautiful sirens without

scruples or morals. One actress, you suppose, is more dangerous than a hundred ordinary

women. You hate us and fear us. None understands that better than your husband, who is

evidently a very cunning lawyer. And so he plays on your fear and jealousy to regain the

love you deny him. He writes a letter and leaves it behind him on the desk. Trust a lawyer

never to do that unintentionally. He orders flowers for me by telephone in the morning

and probably cancels the order the moment he reaches his office. By the way, hasn't he a

lock of my hair?

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: Yes. In his desk drawer. I brought it with me.

FAMOUS ACTRESS: Yes. They bribe my hair-dresser to steal from me. It is a wonder I

have any hair left at all.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: [Happily] Is that how he got it?

FAMOUS ACTRESS: I can't imagine how else. Tell me, hasn't he left any of my love EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: [In alarm] No.

FAMOUS ACTRESS: Don't be alarmed. I haven't written him any.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: Then what made you--?

FAMOUS ACTRESS: I might have if he had come to me frankly and said: "I say, Sara,

will you do something for me? My wife and I aren't getting on so well. Would you write

me a passionate love letter that I can leave lying around at home where she may find it?" I

should certainly have done it for him. I'd have written a letter that would have made you

weep into your pillow for a fortnight. I wrote ten like that for a very eminent playwright

once. But he had no luck with them. His wife was such a proper person she returned them

all to him unread.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: How clever you are! How good!

FAMOUS ACTRESS: I'm neither better nor worse than any other girl in the theater. Even

though you do consider us such monsters.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: [Contritely] I have been a perfect fool.

FAMOUS ACTRESS: Well, you do look a bit silly, standing there with tears in your

eyes, and your face flushed with happiness because you have discovered that a little blond

man with spectacles loves you, after all. My dear, no man deserves to be adored as much

as that. But then it's your own affair, isn't it?


FAMOUS ACTRESS: Yet I want to give you a parting bit of advice: don't let him fool

you like this again.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: He won't. Never fear!

FAMOUS ACTRESS: No matter what you may find in his pockets--letters,

handkerchiefs, my photograph, no matter what flowers he sends, or letters he writes, or

appointments he makes--don't be taken in a second time.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: You may be sure of that. And you won't say anything to

him about my coming here, will you?

FAMOUS ACTRESS: Not a word. I'm angry with him for not having come to me frankly

for permission to use my name the way he did.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: You are a dear, and I don't know how to thank you.

FAMOUS ACTRESS: Now you mustn't begin crying all over again.

EARNEST YOUNG WOMAN: You have made me so happy!

[She kisses the FAMOUS ACTRESS impetuously, wetting her cheek with tears; then she

rushes out. The door closes behind her. There is a pause.]

FAMOUS ACTRESS: [Goes to the door of her boudoir, calls] All right, Alfred. You ca​


Answered by moulika12


not under stand

can you cut it and say it in short cut

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