Economy, asked by stutie, 1 year ago

farmers of Punjab and Haryana was the first try out the modern farming method in India. what changes did they bring in farming? ​


Answered by pawankundu

it started in the late 1960 in the state of Punjab Haryana and West part of Uttar Pradesh

it bring major changes in India -

: it help the farmers to increase production and large scale use of h y v seeds To yield went up from 1300 to 3200 kg per hectare

green revolution has made our country self sufficient in the matter of food grains

negative changes

-HyV seeds require a modern means of agriculture and excess water so it's very expensive

excessive use of water leads to soil erosion

excessive use of fertilizers makes land poisonous and polluted

it is also responsible for groundwater depletion

cultivation of land throughout the year decreases the fertility of soil

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