farming in palampur is based on the following factor?
- land is fixed.
about 75% population is dependent on farming in Palampur. land area under cultivation is fixed full stop there has been no expansion of Agricultural land since 1960.
- change in method of cultivation.
multiple cropping and modern farming are the methods to increase the agricultural production in Palampur from fixed land.
- multiple cropping.
cultivation of different types of crop in the same field during different cropping seasons it is known as multiple cropping full stop in Palampur Jowar and bajra grown during rainy season potatoes in between October and December wheat is produced during winter season.
- modern farming.
in this type of farming h y v seeds chemical fertilizers insecticide and pesticides etc are used. as a result same piece of land produce large quantities of food grains from single plant. in India farmers of Punjab Haryana and western up were the first state to implement modern farming methods.
- sustainability of land.
according to scientific reports modern farming methods natural resources are over use . continuous use of groundwater for use tubewell. irrigation has reduced the water table below the ground. ground water gets polluted chemical fertilizers kill bacteria and other microorganism of the soil excessive use of fertilizers also made the soil alkaline and unfit for cultivation.