Science, asked by ranakanchan587, 8 months ago

Fast Food is not good for health. Compose
astory with the above message where a girl explain
to her younger
brother, the bad effects of eating jung


Answered by mokshareddy1405



Dear brother fast food tastes good but u even need to take care about ur health the tastier the food is that bad to ur body we can have junk food but once in a while by taking a lot of healty salads,veggies and fresh and juicy fruit if u have junk food after it goes to ur intestine it takes a lot of time to get digested so u can eat only little or u face proble alike obesity etc so have a healthy diet and have a hunt only a little with salads so I hope u understand and don't ruin ur body with junk food

Answered by shubhamkr5923


Top Ten Effects Of Junk Food On Children:

Junk food effects on health of children are many and appalling. Here are the top ten reasons how junk food affects children and why you should ensure your child stays away from junk food:

1. Increased Blood Pressure:

The sodium in the salt increases the blood pressure.

• This is the root cause of hypertension.

• This in turn weakens the circulatory system of the body.

2. Fatigue:

Your child probably gets a feeling of fullness in the tummy while consuming junk food.

• It is bereft of carbohydrate and protein which give energy.

• Your child becomes are tired and drained out.

• As a result, it becomes difficult for your child to perform the daily tasks.

3. Less Emotional Quotient:

Hormonal imbalance is a major change experienced in the growing years of 6-12.

• Your child will experience a lot of mood swings and changes in behavior.

• A nutritious diet is essential to maintain a healthy, hormonal balance which junk food will deprive your child of.

• Depression is one of the common effects of junk food addiction in kids.

4. Kidney Disease:

Increased blood pressure affects the kidney’s function.

• A common effect of increased Sodium levels is Edema-water retention in the body.

• It is one of the signs of a dysfunctional kidney.

5. Diabetes:

The sugar in the colas, sodas and beverages contain high amount of sugar. The absence of other nutrients in junk food to bring the best out of sugar causes adverse effects on your child.

• High chances of malfunction of insulin secretion.

• Could result in Diabetes type 2 in your child now or at a later age.

6. Obesity:

The fat used for flavorings and seasoning in the junk food accumulates in the body.

• Low energy levels do not encourage your child to engage in physical activity.

• Leads to obesity.

• A risk on the heart.

• Reduces the self-esteem of your child.

7. Digestive Disorder:

The base of the junk food is more processed and has less natural nutrients.

• It has very less fibre.

• Chances of constipation are more.

• Hence risk of intestinal disorder, colon cancer at a later age of life.

8. Retarded Growth:

Your growing child needs all the core nutrients required for a good bone and dental growth.

• Adds excess weight on the thighs and hips

• Leads to an early onset of Osteoporosis.

• Sugar could cause tooth decay to the permanent teeth setting in.

9. Heart Disease:

Slabs of cheese are the main ingredient in junk food.

• Fat raises cholesterol levels.

• Deposits in the channels of the heart

• Root of heart disease.

• Chances of a stroke are high in the later stages of life.

10. Slow Brain-Work:

Pre-teens have to be in the race to prove better. Junk food lacks nutrients which provide alertness to the brain.

• Leads to inability to concentrate on the tasks.

• Retention capabilities are low.

• Reduces the learning abilities.

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