Father daily routine brief
Father daily routine
Every day ,my father wake up at 5am . He call my brothers and me up to go to the mosque to pray .Then he comes back home to have his breakfast with us . He takes a shower and wears his work uniform .After that ,he reads the Holy Quran and goes work at seven ‘clock .
In the afternoon, My father leaves his job. He comes back at 4 clock ,and goes to the mosque to pray. After that , he eats his lunch. More over ,he goes to his father and mother in my uncle’s house and helps my grand father take a shower for him because he is sick.
At night my father goes to the supermarket to do some shopping for the house .After 9 clock he has dinner with us and asks me and my brothers about schools and college.Next ,he teachs my little brother science ,English and Math. At 10 pm my father watches the news after that he goes to sleep . That is the last thing he does in his day .
In the week end ,the days are different .On Friday my father wakes up at 9 am and calls my brothers and me up to take showers also to have breakfast together .After that he reads the Holy Quran and goes to the mosque with my brothers .When he comes back from the mosque he has his lunch with us .After finishing launch he reads the news paper and goes to take a nap. At four clock he goes to pray and takes us wherever we must prep .At ten clock he has his dinner and talks with us .After that he goes to sleep .
To sum up, this is a day of my father .He is a well organized man because he finishes all his responsibilities on time. I hope you find it interesting.
Hope it helpful for you
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