Features/charectenistics of niobium
Chemical properties of niobium - Health effects of niobium - Environmental effects of niobium
Niobium is renowned for its excellent resistance to corrosion and oxidation. When exposed to air and moisture, a tenacious niobium oxide layer forms. This layer acts as a protective barrier, blocking the intrusion of additional air and moisture and, as a result, preventing the occurrence of further corrosion.
Niobium is one of five refractory metals; this means it is highly resistant to extreme heat and wear. Its 4491°F (2477°C) melting point makes this metal and its alloys ideal for high pressure and high-temperature applications. Despite niobium’s relatively high melting point, its density is the lowest of all refractory metals, which can make it appealing to the aircraft and jet engine industries.
Niobium is also frequently used to make jewelry due to its malleability, hardness, corrosion resistance, and hypoallergenic properties. It can also be easily anodized to create a variety of attractive iridescent colors.
Other useful characteristics of niobium include its potent alloying and superconducting properties, which are essential in several applications.