Features of intensive system of keeping animals
To achieve this, agribusinesses keep livestock such as cattle, poultry, and fish at high stocking densities, at large scale, and using modern machinery, biotechnology, and global trade The main products of this industry are meat, milk and eggs for human consumption There are issues regarding whether intensive animal ...
The intensive system of keeping livestock is performed to cater the need of growing population, as people are declining day by day, who can afford to opt for their personal cattle. Thus also known as factory farming, where large amount of cattle are treated with full hygiene and facilities to produce more products like milk and milk products, egg, meat, etc. and with less cost. The basic features of intensive system are as follows:
#The area required for such farming is small as compared to general, thus less land can fulfill the need of large population.
#The method and technology used give employment to skilled workers and follow more rules and regulations to protect livestock from diseases.
#Help in maintaining economical aspects in national level, by increasing production in bulk with comparatively less input.