English, asked by srisasthaarangi6814, 1 year ago

Female infanticide essay 350 - 400 words


Answered by Arushi56



The existence of human race on the earth is impossible without the equal participation of both, man and woman. Both are equally responsible for the existence of human race on the earth as well as growth and development of any country. However, there is no doubt in saying that a woman is more necessary than man as without her we cannot think about the continuation of human race as she gives birth to human. So, girl children are not killed, they should be saved, respected and given equal opportunities to go ahead. They are the source of root creation and help in shaping destiny of civilization. However, women have been the victim of female foeticide, rape, sexual harassment, dowry deaths, etc in her own shaped civilization. How shame is this!

Why to Save Girl Child?

A girl child should be saved by people in the society for various reasons:

They are not less capable than boys in any field and give their best.

Female infanticide is illegal crime since 1961 and has been banned in order to stop sex-selective abortions. People should follow all the rules very strictly made to save girl child.

Girls become more obedient than boys and have been proved less violent and arrogant.

They have been proved much responsible for their family, job, society or country.

They become much caring to their parents and devoted to their job.

A woman can be a mother, wife, daughter, sister, etc. Every man should think that his wife is daughter of another man and his daughter would be a wife of another man in future. So, everyone must respect a woman in any form.

A girl performs her both duties personal as well as professional very loyally which makes her extra special than boys.

Girls are the ultimate reason of existence of human race.

Steps taken by Government to Save Girl Child

There are various steps taken by the Indian government regarding save the girl child and educate the girl child. The most recent initiative regarding this is Beti Bachao Beti Padhao which is very actively supported by the Government, NGOs, corporate groups, and human rights activists and NGOS. Various social organizations have helped the campaign by building toilet at girl schools. Crimes against girl child and women are big obstruction in the way of India’s growth and development. Female foeticide was one of the big issues however have been banned by the government by the stoppage of ultrasound for sex determination, scan tests, amniocentesis, etc in the hospitals. Government has taken this step to let people know that a girl child is not a sin in the society however; she is a nice gift by God.


A girl child should not be killed, hated or disrespected. She should be saved, loved and respected for the betterment of society and country. She is as equal participant in the development of country as boys.

Answered by sonam9262yadav

Female infanticide,,

Even the modern household still follow a social evil known as female infanticide.

Increasing female foeticide in India could spark a demographic crisis where fewer women in society will result in a rise in sexual violence and child abuse as well as wife-sharing, the United Nations warned. This in turn will deteriorate the social value system and can cause crisis situation.

How to stop female infanticide

This paper also indicates the following preventive measures against female infanticide that are aimed at empowering women: establishing self-help groups and the sanction of micro credit for women in order to facilitate economic development, establishing rural and agriculture-based small-scale industries in order to ...

who stop female infanticide,

Female Infanticide Prevention Act, 1870

Female Infanticide Prevention Act, 1870 (Act VIII of 1870)Governor-General of India in Council

And Raja Ram mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra vidyasagar, and swami dayananad saraswati faught against female infanticide.,

hope it will help you!!

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