Few lines about my favorite fruit guava
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⇒ Delicious Guavas, that are also called superfood.
- Guava is believed to have its origin in Central America where it is known also known as "sand plum".
- There is a new saying...' Consuming guavas in the winter season, keeps the doctor away for the whole year. '
- They are the best source of vitamin C, which improves immunity.
- Guavas are not rich in Vitamin A , but the nutrients present in it are good for vision.
- Once can call guava the brain food, as it improves blood circulation to the brain and relaxes the nerves.
- Since it contains about 80 percent of water, it helps keep your skin hydrated.
- Many little ones have the problem of toothache, and the juice of guava leaves is known to cure it.
- Our grandma used to say, drinking water over guavas can cause you a sour throat. But on the contrary, if you have sour throat, then boiling guava leaves and drinking water would be a good home remedy.

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I love guava because it’s colour is green
It helps to control blood sugar
It helps to strengthen the immune system and digestive system
It also aids in weight loss,improves the skin tone.
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