Fiber optic cable from a service provider can be delivered directly to the end user. Which implementation delivers data to a cabinet for distribution
fibre optic cable from a service provider can be delivered directly to the end users the implementations that deliver star to a cabinet for distribution are mentioned below:
- For any broadband architecture fibre to the x (FTTX) in the loop is a generic term using Optical Fibre to provide all or part of the local loop used for last mile telecommunication.
- In the 20th century copper telephones networks built are being replaced fibre because fibre optic cable are able to carry much more data than copper cable, especially over long distance.
- Two groups of FTTX which is generalisation for several configuration of fibre development are arranged that are FTTP/FTTH/FTTB (fibre laid all the way to the premises/home/building) and FTTC/N( laid to the cabinet/ Node, with copper wires completing the connection).