English, asked by shrumaudeshi, 9 months ago

Figure of Speech of Poem Homeless By Vikram Seth


Answered by deepikamr06

Question Paper Design SA 2

English Language and Literature

Classes IX & X

Code No. 184

The design of the question papers in English - Language and Literature for classes IX & X has undergone a few changes. They are as under:

Section A --Reading: 15 marks (Question 1-3)

In the existing scheme of the question paper students answer questions based on three unseen passages (total--500 words) carrying five marks each –all MCQs.

The change proposed is that students be given two passages (carrying 5+5 marks) out of three which are based on MCQ responses. One passage with questions carrying 5 marks should be such that it requires effort on the part of the students to supply the responses.

In the proposed question paper scheme

 Students will be expected to attempt three passages carrying five marks each.

 Passage types will include literary, discursive or factual. One out of the three passages will be a poem.

 Two out of three passages will have Multiple Choice Questions carrying 5+5=10 marks

 One out of three passages will have questions wherein students will be expected to supply the responses. This will carry 5marks. Question types will be :

• Sentence completion

• Gap filling

Note: The weightage given to MCQs to be reduced from the existing 15 Marks in the Reading Section to 10 Marks

Section B--Writing: 15 marks (Question 4-6)—No change

Q 4 Letter Writing: One out of two letters (formal/informal/email) in not more than 100 words based on verbal stimulus and context provided.

Types of letter: Informal – personal, such as to family and friends.

Formal – letters to the Editor.

Email – formal letters to principal of the school or to the editor of a Newspaper or a Magazine.

6 Marks Q 5 Writing an article, speech or debate based in visual or verbal stimulus in not more than 120 words (One out of two). 6 Marks

Q 6 Writing a short composition in the form of dialogue writing/story or report of minimum 80 words (One out of two). 3 Marks

Section C--Grammar: 15 marks-(Question 7-11)

In the existing scheme of the question paper Students answer five questions of three marks each –all MCQs.

The change proposed is that students be given two questions (carrying 3+3 marks) out of five which are based on MCQ responses. The other three should require effort on the part of the students to supply the responses.

In the proposed question paper scheme:

 This section will carry five questions of three marks each

 Out of five questions two questions (question 7 and 8) carrying 6 marks will have MCQs of three marks each .The test types for MCQs include:

• Gap filling

• Sentence completion

• Dialogue completion

 Question 9, 10, and 11(carrying 3 marks each ie total 9 marks) will be based on response supplied by students.

These test types which will not be tested as MCQs include

 Sentence reordering

 Editing

 Omission

 Sentence transformation (including combining sentences)

Note : The weightage given to MCQs to be reduced from the existing 15 marks in the grammar section to 6 marks

Section D – Literature-35 Marks (Question 12-15)

In the existing scheme of the question paper students answer questions based on two extracts for reference to context (prose or play) of four marks each(Total -8 Marks) –all MCQs.

They also answer two out of three reference to the context stanzas carrying 3 marks each (total 6 marks) from a poem followed by MCQs to test local and global comprehension

The change proposed is that students be given two extracts for reference to the context (prose or play) (carrying 4 marks each). These extracts would require effort on the part of the students to supply the responses.

Two out of three extracts for reference to the context from poetry (carrying 3 marks each—total six marks)) which have questions for MCQ responses.

In the proposed question paper scheme:

Q12 a) and b) Two extracts for reference to context (based on prose or play). These extracts would require effort on the part of the students to supply the responses The extracts will carry 8 marks (4 marks each)

8 Marks

Q 13 Two out of three reference to context stanzas (based on poetry) followed by 3 MCQs to test local and global comprehension of the set text .The extracts will carry 3 marks each. 6 Marks

Q14. Three out of four short answer type questions based on prose or plays to test local and global comprehension of theme and ideas -- 2 marks each. 6 Marks

Q15. One out of two long answer type questions extrapolative in nature based on prose or play. (Upto 80 words). 5 Marks

Q 16 One out of two long questions from supplementary reader to interpret, evaluate and analyze character, plot or situations occurring in lessons to be answered in about 80 words. 4 Marks

Q 17 Two out of three short answer type questions based on factual aspects, interpretation and evaluation of a lesson 6 Marks

Note: The weightage given to MCQs to be reduced from the existing 14 Marks in the Literature Section to 6 Marks

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