English, asked by mmkafridi, 2 months ago

fill in the blank with the model verb
1 marry _______ ho to the dentist immediately she is in great pain.
2 you ________ buy a ticket there to get into the beach. it,s a historical site.
3 she __________ buy another kettle. I,be just repaired the old one. 4 you _____ cut your hair, it,s really long.
5 you _____ cheat in the exam.
choices are given
must , mustn't, have to , or don,t have to.​


Answered by Phagu


  1. marry have to ho to the dentist immediately she is in great pain.
  2. you must buy a ticket there to get into the beach.it's a historical site.
  3. she don't buy another kettle.i be just repaired the old one.
  4. you have to cut your hair,it really long.
  5. you mustn't cheat in the exam.
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