Biology, asked by avanichoudharymps, 6 months ago

Fill In the Blanks 1. and are the main sources of nutrient supply to crops. 2. and provide us with all our animal and plant food. 3. The science of growing vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants is called . 4. Composting done using earthworms is called . 5. Cereals provide us (carbohydrates/proteins/fats). 6. Pulses give us (carbohydrates/proteins/fats). 7. and are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. 8. Pests, nematodes etc. are production. (biotic/abiotic) factors that affect crop 9. In order to get maximum returns, different crop combinations are grown on the same field in a pre-planned succession. This process is called . 10. Apis dorsata and Apis florae are varieties of (Indian/Italian) bee. 11. Apis mellifera is an commercial production of honey. (India/Italian) variety of honey bee used for 12. Crossing between genetically dissimilar plants is called . 13. Nutrients required by plants in large quantities are called . 14. Organic substances of animal or plant origin that is added to the soil to increase its fertility and structure are called . 15. The practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same field is called . 16. Unwanted plants in the cultivated field are called . 17. Cattle used for farm labour is called . 18. Vitamin and (A, B, C, D , K) levels are kept high in the poultry feeds. 19. Bos indicus are the species of . 20. Pomphret, mackerel, tuna, sardines, and Bombay duck are examples of (marine/river) fish. 21. Marine fish capture is done by fishing nets guided by .and 22. Micro-nutrients or Food additives strengthen system of the cattle and improve their and stimulate digestion. 23. The basic advantages of inter-cropping are that it maintains soil and controls . 24. Red Sindhi and Sahiwal are breeds of . 25. Xanthium, Cyperinus rotundus and Parthenium plants generally grow along paddy plants. Such plants are called . 26. What is domestication? 27. What are the major sources of food? Name the commercial practices we perform to obtain the food. 28. Name the revolution which led to better and efficient production and availability of milk. 29. Define animal husbandry. 30. Name the programmes executed in India to increase food production. 31. What are the various crops seasons in India? 32. Name the approaches used to enhance crop yield. 33. What are milch animals? 34. What are draught animals? 35. What is broiler? 36. Give examples of cereals that give us carbohydrates. 37. Name some pulses that give us proteins. 38. Give examples of oilseeds that provide us fats. 39. Give examples of fodder crops. 40. Name the biotic factors that affect on crop production. 41. Name the nutrients that plants take from air? 42. From where do plants acquire the following nutrients? (i) Nitrogen (ii) Hydrogen 43. List the nutrients that plants absorb from soil. 44. What are manures? 45. What is the full form of IARI? 46. What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvement? 47. What are Macro-nutrients? 48. List examples of Macro-nutrients for plants? 49. List the seven micro-nutrients taken by plants? 50. Based on kinds of biological material used, how many types of manures are there? 51. What are fertilizers? Give two examples. 52. Out of manures and fertilizers, which one is nutrient specific? 53. What is the most common source of irrigation in India? 54. Give examples of commonly used irrigation systems in our country? 55. What is vermicompost? 56. Manures are useful for short term benefits or long-term benefits? 57. Fertilizers are useful for short term benefits or long-term benefits? 58. What is organic farming? 59. What is the full form of NPK? 60. What is lodging? 61. What is mixed cropping? 62. Give examples of mixed cropping? 63. Define inter-cropping. 64. Give examples of inter-cropping. 65. Name the two common weeds of wheat and rice crop. 66. What are weeds? 67. Give examples of Pesticides

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