Science, asked by erikmukherjee910, 6 months ago

Fill in the blanks:

1. Fossil fuels are _______ , _______and ________

2) The process of release of release of an ovary is called _________.

3) Burning of wood and coal causes _________of air.

4)_________on the chromosomes transfer hereditary character from parent to offspring.

5) Sliding fraction is________than the static fraction.

6) Friction produces __________.

7) ________is the felling of trees indiscriminately for clearing forests.

8) The passage of an electric current though solution causes__________.

9) ________is a process of creating an identical copy of a cell or a complete organism.

10) A semi fluid and transparent substance which present in between the plasma membrane and the nucleus is called __________.​


Answered by rawataashish90


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The light bulb has a tungsten filament as the light emitting media. Electricity flows through a thin tungsten wire in the light bulb called the filament. The filament used in a bulb has a property called "resistance." Resistance is the amount of friction that an object will put against electricity flowing The light bulb has a tungsten filament as the light emitting media. Electricity flows through a thin tungsten wire in the light bulb called the filament. The filament used in a bulb has a property called "resistance." Resistance is the amount of friction that an object will put against electricity flowing through it. Tungsten filament are manufactured in a way that it has a lot of resistance to electricity. As a The light bulb has a tungsten filament as the light emitting media. Electricity flows through a thin tungsten wire in the light bulb called the filament. The filament used in a bulb has a property called "resistance." Resistance is the amount of friction that an object will put against electricity flowing through it. Tungsten filament are manufactured in a way that it has a lot of resistance to electricity. As a result of this resistance, the filament heats up and starts glowing, converting electrical energy to light energy. This is because of the Joule-effect, which means that resistances heat up when an electrical current runs through them. The electricity is converted into light and heat illuminating its surroundings. of this resistance, the filament heats up and starts glowing, converting electrical energy to light energy. This is because of the Joule-effect, which means that resistances heat up when an electrical current runs through them. The electricity is converted into light and heat illuminating its surroundings. it. Tungsten filament are manufactured in a way that it has a lot of resistance to electricity. As a result of this resistance, the filament heats up and starts glowing, converting electrical energy to light energy. This is because of the Joule-effect, which means that resistances heat up when an electrical current runs through them. The electricity is converted into light and heat illuminating its surroundings.

Answered by SanskritiPokhriyal


1) .Fossil fuels are compound mixtures made of fossilized plant and animal remnants from millions of years ago. The creation of fossil fuels—either oil, natural gas, or coal—from these fossils is determined by the type of fossil, the amount of heat, and the amount of pressure.

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