Social Sciences, asked by sukhmanikaurmail, 4 hours ago

Fill in the blanks.
1. Mesolithic Age is also called the
2. Early man was a
3. Instead of killing
means of
Man started worshipping the forces of
them and used them
as gods.
D. Write 'T' for the True and 'F' for the False Statements.
1. The Old Stone Age lasted from 100,000 BC to 8000 BC.
2. Early Man always lived close to rivers.
3. The discovery of fire was a pure coincidence.
4. Fire helped man in making better tools.
5. Man started making smaller tools called 'Microliths in the Neolithic Age.
6. The New Stone Age is known for discovery of agriculture and
invention of wheel.
7. The wheel was invented in the Chalcolithic Age.
8. The invention of the wheel made transportation easier and faster.
9. Early men believed in life after death.
E. Answer these questions.
1. When did modern man appear on the earth?
2. Name the three periods of the prehistoric time.
3. How did early man dress himself in the Stone Age?
4. Which discoveries changed the life of Early Man?
5. How were the tools of the New Stone Age different from those of the Old Stone Age?
6. Describe the main features of the Neolithic Age.
7. How did the discovery of wheel change the life of early man?
8. Trace the development of early man from being a food gatherer to a food producer
1. Make a clay model of an early settlement like a hut.
2. Sketch a picture of early man and his family.


Answered by smbanthana16


Middle Stone Age







Answered by Anonymous

C. Fill in the blanks :

1) Mesolithic age is also called the Middle Stone Age.

2) Early man was a nomad but later he led a settled life.

3) Instead of killing animals man domesticated them and used them as means of transport.

4) Man started worshipping the forces of nature as gods.

D. True/False :

1) False

2) True

3) True

4) True

5) False

6) True

7) False

8) True

9) True

E. Answer these questions :

1) When did modern man appear on the earth?

Ans. The first modern man appeared between five million years ago, when some ape-like creatures in Africa began to walk on two legs. Then some of them spread from Africa to Asia after two million years ago.

2) Name the three periods of the prehistoric time.

Ans. The three periods of the prehistoric time are:

  1. Paleolithic Age or Old Stone Age
  2. Mesolithic age or Middle Stone Age
  3. Neolithic age or New Stone Age

3) How did early man dress himself in the Stone Age?

Ans. Early man lived in forests. That time hunting was the only thing they knew better. So, after they ate the flesh of an animal, they used to dress themselves with the skin of that animal. They also wore barks of trees and leaves in the Stone Age.

4) Which discoveries changed the life of Early Man?

Ans. Early man made two important discoveries which changed his life. First, he discovered the fire and second he invented how to make tools. Fire provided man warmth and light. They started eating roasted meat instead of raw flesh. Man started making different shaped stones for different needs.

5) How were the tools of the New Stone Age different from those of the Old Stone Age?

Ans. In Old Stone Age, Early Man had used large pieces of stones as tools. They shaped stones for different needs like for cutting trees, killing and skinning animals, chopping meat etc. But in New Stone Age they progressed and learnt how to make better tools.

6) Describe the main features of the Neolithic Age.

Ans. The main features of Neolithic Age were discovery of agriculture, making of fine pottery and invention of the wheel. The early man learnt to make better tools and used to move and live in groups. They believed that death was a journey to another world.

7) How did the discovery of wheel change the life of early man?

Ans. Discovery of wheel brought many changes in the life of early man. The use of wheel made transportation easier and faster. Wheel was put to great use by the potters for making fine potteries of different shapes and sizes. Wheel also used for spinning and weaving.

8) Trace the development of early man from being a food gatherer to a food producer?

Ans. In Old Stone Age early man moved from one place to another in search of food. Hunting was only means by which they used to gather food. In Mesolithic or middle stone age they discovered agriculture and cultivation. And lastly, in Neolithic age early man learnt to grow food crops.


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