English, asked by RINku9196, 7 months ago

Fill in the blanks: 1. You _____ when she called (Past Continuous) 2. Bill ____ the letters (Simple Present) 3. He ____ this book since 10a.m (Past Perfect Continuous) 4. We ____ for one hour (Simple Past) 5. Her face was full of ____ (Abstract Noun) 6. My ___ stands in the garage (Fill the gap with a Common Noun) 7. After he____ the clothes, he hung them up to dry (Past Perfect 8. We ____ in Bangalore since 1980(Present Perfect Continuous) 9. I ___ my home work (Present Perfect) 10.The ____bought a basket( Common Noun) 11.Rohan is the boy ___ won the sack race(Relative Pronoun) 12.She faced ___ to lie absolutely still.(Reflexive Pronoun) 13.Sita ____ this picture for the last three hours but now she is writing (Past Perfect Continuou


Answered by bilaspurtatasky


To change most verbs into the simple past tense, add -ed to them: verb + -ed.


Use the simple past tense to talk about:

A completed action in the past: I saw Susan two weeks ago.

A repeated action in the past: My grandma often baked cookies for us.

Things that were true in the past: I played soccer when I was a child.


I hope it will help you dear

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Answered by Qᴜɪɴɴ

1. You were studying when she called.(Past Continuous)

2. Bill writes the letters (Simple Present)

3. He has been reading this book since 10a.m (Past Perfect Continuous)

4. We play for one hour (Simple Past)

5. Her face was full of happiness. (Abstract Noun)

6. My cycle stands in the garage (Common Noun)

7. After he had washed the clothes, he hung them up to dry (Past Perfect)

8. We have been living in Bangalore since 1980(Present Perfect Continuous)

9. I have done my home work (Present Perfect)

10. The girl bought a basket( Common Noun)

11.Rohan is the boy who won the sack race. (Relative Pronoun)

12.She faced herself to lie absolutely still.(Reflexive Pronoun)

13.Sita had been drawing this picture for the last three hours but now she is writing. (Past Perfect Continuous)

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