English, asked by ak8150182, 8 months ago

fill in the blanks with appropriate sentence connectors​



Answered by darshil3011


a) Niether Ajit nor Vijay is right. They both were wrong

b) Some where going to the exhibition while some where returning.

Answered by smartbrainz

Neither Ajit nor Vijay is right. They are both wrong

Some were going to the exhibition while others were returning


  • Neither/nor is used when the choice is negative or the person wants to say that more than one thing is not true.When a clause with neither or nor is used after a negative clause, we invert the subject and the verb after neither and nor. Neither enables construct a negative statement about 2 things or people  at the same time. Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We can use neither as a conjunction with nor. It connects 2 or more negative alternatives.
  • While is a word in the English language that functions both as a subordinating conjuction as well as a noun. Its meaning differs largely on the basis of its intended function, position in the phrase and even the speaker's or writer's regional dialect. It has two meanings if used as a conjunction. One meaning is time-related. In the temporal context, while implies something that happens simultaneously with something else.. The other meaning of while indicates a contrast. In this sense, it means “although or “whereas”  
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