Fill in the blanks with appropriate words " In the field of Journalism, cartoonists_1_(consider) as unusual breed of people. By _2_ (draw) a few lines, they can highlight or _3_ (reduce) to dust somebody's character in the society. Their style of expression can _4_ (deliver) a strong blow to the subject of caricature. R.K. Laxman _5_ (be) a cartoonist _6_ (endow) with the skill to draw attractive cartoons. With a deep understanding of political and social realities, he was able to see and express the reality through his protagonist -- the Common Man with a _7_ (close) umbrella. For the readers, the common man _8_ (become) a signature of his art.
Answered by
1. are considered
2. drawing
3. reduce
4. deliver
5. was
6. endowed
7. closed
8. became
Thank you so much
Answered by
1. are considered
2. drawing
3. reduce
4. deliver
5. became
6. emdowed
7. closed
8. became
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