English, asked by vineetasingh1550, 5 months ago

Fill in the blanks with choosing options given (1*4)
water is essential for our survival drinking enough water during the day
(a)..........one to stay healthy.It is advisable to drink clean water through the day to keep illnesses at bay. Many people(b)..............this and often (c)...........problems. Its scarcity (d)...............the body adversely.
a. i.helped ii.help iii.helps
iv.has helped
b. i.know. ii.do not know. iii.knows. iv. does not know
c.i.has. ii.had. iii.have.
iv will have had
d.i.affected. ii.affects. iii.affect. iv.has been affected​


Answered by basantiinsan223


a)helps ..

b)do not know


d)has been affected

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