English, asked by vishwanathramadevi, 26 days ago

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. The bags are lying ____ the floor.

2. The cat is hiding ___ the table.

3. The birds are flying _____ the sky.

Fill in the blanks with the correct articles. ( a,an,the)

1. There is ____ owl sitting on the tree.

2. I need _____ bottle of water.

3. _____ Nile is in Egypt.

Identify the type of sentence.

1. Hey, I burned my hands!

2. How many people are there in the room?

3. Nobody should talk in the class.

Underline the adverbs in the sentences.

1. It rained heavily yesterday.

2. The teacher explained the lesson very clearly.

3. Finally, we completed our work.

Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences.

1. My dog ran away.

2. The mouse stole the cheese.

3. The small dog played with the ball.​


Answered by aanshi10112009


a ) on

b) under

c) in

articles portion

a) an

b) a

c) the

identify the sentences

a) Exclamatory Sentence

b) Interrogative sentence

c) Declarative and Exclamatory Sentence

identify subject and predicate

a) My dog is subject, the rest is predicate

b) The mouse is subject, the rest is predicate

c) The sma dog is subject, the rest is predicate

hope it help you

Answered by debadityadinda0



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