English, asked by mohammadzaid55, 3 months ago

Fill in the blanks with suitable twin words
(give and take , hand and foot , hard and fast , safe and sound , thick and thin , hue and cry , over and over , round and round , part and parcel , null and void )
1. We would always see grandfather and Uncle Ibrahim doing things together.They have remained together through__________
2. Salma has been told _________ to answer when it is her turn . This is a _________ rule of Mrs . Alvi our science teacher
3. Anyone seen copying , their exam papar will become _________
4. When mother lost her gold ring she raised ___________. We looked ___________ again for it but we could not find it
5. It was a dark night and it was also raining havily . Mother give us sigh of relief when we returned from the party _____________


Answered by aastha12812

1) round and round.

2) part to parcel.

3)hard and fast.

4)hue and cry.

5) safe and sound.

Hope it helps you.

Answered by ayshaifti


1. thick and thin

2.over and over

3.hard and fast

4.null and void

5.hue and cry

6.round and round

7.safe and sound

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