English, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions to complete the sentences

1. the children ran ..... the room.
2. The sky is ..... us.
3. Commuters were ..... the waiting shed when the heavy rains fell.
4 We saw the house ..... from the airplane.
5. The slippers were ..... the chair.
6. Lorie sat ..... the table.
7, the athletes jogged ..... the gym.
8. Children eat their snacks ..... recess time.
9 The mall is ..... our house.
10.The frightened child ..... his mother.
11.Mother placed the fish ..... the frying pan.
12.The little girl came running ..... the room.
13.Someone locked the puppy ..... the toilet
14.Carol is going ..... Europe next year.
15. The award was given ..... the actress.
the actress.


Answered by adithyaanjalikrishna

the children ran into the room.....

the sky is over us.....

Commuters were for .....


sat on.....

at the gym....

in recess time

beside our house...

with his mother......

in the frying pan...

into the room...

in the toilet...

to Europe next year....

to the actress......

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