English, asked by solankiranveer25, 4 months ago

fill in the blanks with the correct nouns or collectie nouns from the options given:

1. Have you ever seen a _____ of gypsies?
a) heard b) caravan c) flock d)fleet

2.A _____ of dancer from China would be performing today at the city center
a) band b) choir c)troupe d)crowd

3.The children removed the _____ of rubbish lying outside their school gate
a) hedge b) heap c) basket d) range

4.The office boy could not find the latest _____ of the books.
a)clump b) building c)cluster d)catalogues

5.The little children were having fun seeing the _____ of chicks with their mother.
a) brood b)pod c)swarm d)pack

Add correct suffixes to the given underlined words to form abstract noun,you can take the help of words given as suffixes:

Hood , ity , ment , ness,ery,ory,dom,

1.The extent of a king's land
underline word- king's

2.The state of being pure
underline word- pure

3.The state of being content
underline word- content

4.The act of or the state of celebrating
underline word- celebrating

5.The act of assisting
underline word- assisting

6.The quality of being brave
underline word-brave

7.A building form where scientists observe
underline word- observe

8.The quality of being kind
underline word- kind

9.The quality of being intelligent
underline word- intelligent

10.The period of time when you are child
underline word- child ​


Answered by rosalynnayak







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