English, asked by harshal948634, 9 days ago

fill in the blanks with the suitable from of the adjective in brackets

(1)The house is ____________ (beautiful)

(2) Sunil is _________ than prateek (intelligent)​


Answered by rajenderchauhan782




Answered by simran7539

Given :-

(1) The house is ____________ . (beautiful)

(2) Sunil is _________ than prateek. (intelligent)

What to do ?

Fill in the blanks with the suitable from of the adjective in brackets.

Answer :-

(1) The house is beautiful. (beautiful)

(2) Sunil is more intelligent than prateek. (intelligent)


Know More :-

Positive Degree :- A positive degree tells the quality of some person or something in simple terms.

Ex - Karan is wise.

Comparative Degree :- comparative degree compares the quality of some person or thing with another.

Ex - Karan is wiser than Rohan.

Superlative Degree :- A superlative degree tells that the person or thing attributed with quality has the maximum of that quality.

Ex - Karan is the wisest boy in the class.


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