Fill in the blanks with the suitable words given in the brackets ( both, easily, contact , distancing , staying , transmit, fever home virus avoid .people coronavirus, Individual, Patient) If you think you don’t have a huge role to play in how the 1) ………………….. outbreak plays out, think again. You have the potential to make this pandemic so much worse. That’s because the coronavirus is 2) ……………… more contagious and more deadly than the common flu. One person can 3)……………………….. transmit it to other people without knowing it, and those people would then 4) …………………….. it to even more people, creating a terrifying snowball effect. The good news is, just as you can easily transmit the virus to other people, you can easily5) ……………………. transmitting it — if you’re willing to stay home. That’s right: Simply by sitting on your couch, you can potentially save lives. One person with the coronavirus, who passes on the 6) …………………….. to three other people (some experts say three is the average, though others estimate the infectiousness is a bit lower), can very quickly spawn a public health nightmare that afflicts thousands of 7) ………………………. But it also shows how one person can mitigate that effect through social 8) …………………………. By avoiding the office, the barbecue, the airport, and so on, an 9) ………………… can deprive the virus of the opportunity to infect more people. One striking real-world example of this phenomenon is the woman known as 10)………………… 31. South Korea had only 30 cases of Covid-19 until, in February, she became infected and started inadvertently spreading the virus. Despite having 11)…………….., she had lunch with a friend at a hotel and attended church services, coming into physical 12)…………….. with many of the worshippers. In a matter of days, hundreds of people from the church and its environs tested positive for Covid-19.You do not want to be Patient 31. This is why even if you’re young and healthy and falsely believe the virus can’t kill you (it can), you’d do well to stay 13)………………. in order to protect others — especially older and immune-compromised people who are at greater risk of dying if they contract Covid-19, as well as the health care workers who have to expose themselves to the risk every day. Believe it or not, through the simple act of 14) ………………… home, you can save many people — even many thousands of people — from contracting the virus
Answered by
- coronavirus
- both
- easily
- transmit
- avoid
- virus
- people
- distancing
- individual
- patient
- fever
- contact
- home
- staying
please mark my answer the brainliest
cause i spent a lot of time on it
so please.......................................................................................................................................
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do you play freefire or PUBG iam play lol
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