English, asked by godwebharat43, 5 months ago

Fill in the blanks with who, whom, that or which.
1. I have read this storybook,
was published last year.
2. R. K. Narayan,
wrote Swami and Friends, was born
in Chennai in 1906.
3. The children
were playing with me live in the
next street.
4. This is the team
won the inter-school championship.
5. These are the clothes
I have collected to give to charity.
do you wish to speak?
7. Pune,
is the second largest city in Maharashtra,
has several well-known educational institutes.
6. To​


Answered by harshvardhanpatidar1


1. who 2.who 3.which 4.That 5.That 7.which.

Answered by hepinpatel9878


who , who , which, that , that, which, which


hope its helpful for you

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