English, asked by apache9986oyd32d, 1 year ago

Fill in the blanks
words: down, off, corner, lanes, there, here, smell, see, has come, would come, site, village, brown, tall surrounded, covered, line, nest, careful, anxious

We need never feel dull in the country no matter how often we walk............. the same road over the same.............. or through the same woodland paths ............... is always something new something fresh to ............... It may be little plant that ................ up since last we visited the ........................ , a large that was just a lot of ............... sticks may now be ................ with flowers. we may find birds ......... deep in a bush, if we are ................. to frighten birds, as the days pass, we see first the little legs and than the baby bird


Answered by anu576
down, village, there,see,drown,site,covered, here,nest,careful.

apache9986oyd32d: thanks
anu576: welcome
anu576: just mark it in the brilliant answer
apache9986oyd32d: thanks again
apache9986oyd32d: ol
apache9986oyd32d: ok
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