English, asked by aryan7920, 1 year ago

fill in the each of the number blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appreciate to the blank space
Example: (0) made
Our Prime Minister U... (make) a memorable stateme
from our ancestors, wel...(borrow) it from our
r children'. That thought ....2.
(capture) where we stand on issues of sust
sustainable development. We actually are ... 3
(run) on borrowed time. If we allow
rban spaces to be ...4.... (leave) in its cur
form or for the situation to exacerbate, we will 5 (do) a great disservice to those
we have borrowed this; our children."
from whom we have borrowed this:
The numbers bear it out. In 1947, 17% of our population (then 300 million) ....6.... (live
Today, urban India is home to approximately 31
provimately 31% of our 1.25 bill;
in urban spaces. Today, urban India is hom
strong population. That number of urban residents is set ........ (swell) to approximate
by 2030, which ....8.... (call) for changes if we are to not just create a world
that is present-perfect, but future-proof as well.


Answered by amrita54


1: borrowed

2: captured

3: running

4: living

5: be doing

6: is living

7: swelled

8: is calling

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