English, asked by bikrambicky59, 4 months ago


Gradually more and more of penicillin drug was _______ (made, prepared). It was

used to _______ (save/ saved) the lives of people. Ninety five percent of the _______

(soldier,soldiers) were ________ (recovered/ treated) with the help of penicillin, in the

World War-II. In 1940, the news of the penicillin burst upon the world. Fleming ______

(became,becomes) famous overnight. He _____ (is, was) regarded as one of the most

distinguished scientists of his time. In 1944, he was _______ (honoured, honouring) by

king George VI with a knighthood. The next year he and his fellow bacteriologists,

whose combined efforts _______ (led, lead) to the great discovery, were ________

(rewarded, rewarding) with a joint noble prize. On receiving this great honour, Fleming

said in his usual modest way, “people thank me for saving ______ (there, their) lives.

I didn’t do anything. I just found a remedy that was there.”​


Answered by Varundhawan1234




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Answered by tharshini81

answer : Gradually more and more of penicillin drug was prepared (made, prepared). It was

used to save (save/ saved) the lives of people. Ninety five percent of the soldiers (soldier,soldiers) were treated (recovered/ treated) with the help of penicillin, in the

World War-II. In 1940, the news of the penicillin burst upon the world. Fleming became

(became,becomes) famous overnight. He was (is, was) regarded as one of the most distinguished scientists of his time. In 1944, he was honoured (honoured, honouring) by king George VI with a knighthood. The next year he and his fellow bacteriologists, whose combined efforts led (led, lead) to the great discovery, were rewarded (rewarded, rewarding) with a joint noble prize. On receiving this great honour, Fleming said in his usual modest way, “people thank me for saving their (there, their) lives.


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